The YMT Loyalty Program
Save an Extra 5% With Our Loyalty Discount
Once you’ve traveled on a YMT Vacation, you automatically become a member of our loyalty program, which means you can save big on your next trip!
As a valued traveler, you can take full advantage of your loyalty discount to receive an extra 5% off your next vacation if you book and travel with us again within 12 months of your return. If you wait a bit longer – up to 3 years – we’ll still offer you a 3% saving (if booked and traveled within 3 years of your return)!
Loyalty savings are applied to the base tour price after any applicable discounts. Loyalty Credit can be applied in conjunction with the $250 Instant Discount or Referral discounts (up to $200 per booking). Loyalty Credit cannot be combined with limited-time promotions or Hot Deals. Guests can choose either the Loyalty Credit or the limited time promotion or Hot Deal discount, whichever has a higher value. For more details, please call your Travel Consultant.
Know someone who might like to travel with YMT? Get $100 off for you and $100 off for them on any new booking when you make a referral.